Thematical is
Thematical helps you cluster content topics, plan individual content pieces, analyze what you’ve created, and report it all to your team!
1. Cluster Content Topics
Thematical is the answer to issues marketers face when looking at huge lists of keywords: How do we bundle intent? How do we bundle meaning? Human-made clusters are based on assumptions and simply don’t scale.
Thematical uses machine learning to scale similarity analysis across millions of keywords. Further, we utilize a mix of machine learning methodologies relying on intent instead of basic phrase matching.
The clusters unearthed by Thematical give you the full traffic and value opportunities for every piece of content you write.

2. Plan Content
Once your high level planning and analysis is done, it is time to write your content. Thematical uses data to help you craft content based around what your competitors are doing. We unearth potentially valuable resources for your writing as well as give you a blueprint to writing a winning article for your cluster. We help you craft the plan for each piece into a style guide so that you can assign it to the writers on your team and massively scale projects.
3. Analyze Content
The reality is that not every piece of content is going to be a winner at first. However, every piece of content can be a winner with enough insight and work. Thematical allows you to analyze the content that is winning versus the content that is losing and make decisions on how to optimize existing content to get better results. Our software isn’t just about content generation: it’s about value creation. Get the most out of your existing content with Thematical’s deep insights.

4. Report Results
Thematical was built to report the complexities of content management to the C-Suite. With our software, you are able to create a data based approach for a potential content strategy and budget. As content is produced, you are able to easily generate reports that show the value created versus the value you estimated at the outset. This turns your earned media and content marketing reporting into easily digestible reports, similar to paid media. This will make proving value to stakeholders and increasing budgets for additional initiatives easier.