Know the value of your content

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What makes Thematical different?
Thematical gives you the ability to know the full potential value of your content before it is even created and provides tools to compare the results against your expectations. Thematical increases content wins, decreases hours of reporting labor, and empowers your content campaign with real data.

Thematical uses the data from hundreds of millions of Google search results pages to craft thematically relevant clusters for your content.

Machine Learning
Thematical uses several layers of machine learning to thematically cluster viable keywords into content topics and highlight your existing opportunities so you don’t waste time and effort on topics that won’t yield an ROI.

ROI Focus
Thematical allows you to focus your content campaign on ROI similar to a paid media project. We give you the tools to effectively allocate your budget and report your success to your clients or upper management.
Thematical was made for serious content projects
Other content tools with a focus on AI and machine learning tell you how to craft content based on data they have extracted on a page level. They use modalities like keyword density and general word count.
Thematical approaches content from a topical perspective. Google has pushed user intent to the forefront of their algorithm, and the amount of data marketers need to sift through to match keywords to intent is labor intensive. Thematical solves that issue, helping you discover the topics that will yield you more traffic and more sales.
A full-service solution
Once we have delivered the topics that will help you win, we move to the next step of unearthing how to craft the content and surfacing the best content to use for inspiration.
Thematical is content planning nirvana!
Thematical helps you cluster content topics, plan individual content pieces, analyze what you’ve created, and report it all to your team!